As a result of the ongoing crisis we are altering our work practices to maximize the safety of staff and clients.
1. Work will continue as normal, save that we are limiting in-person appointments from Monday 23rd March until further notice.
2. If you are asked to leave a voicemail due to call volume- please do so giving your name, number and a brief message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
3. All appointments , save for urgent matters, will be dealt with by telephone or video-conferencing.
4. If you have been notified of a court date, please check with the office if your attendance is still required. The Courts intend to deal with most cases by written submission, video-link or tele-conferencing without the need for clients to attend.
5. Where documents require to be signed , these will be posted to you with signing and witnessing instructions. In some situations attendance at the office may be required . If so, you should bring your own pen and protective gloves. You will be seen in a spacious, well ventilated room and the consultation will not exceed fifteen minutes. Social Distancing measures will be employed.
6. We are in exceptional times , consideration for others , forebearance ,creativity and common sense are the watch words for the foreseeable future.
Please be assured that we are adhering to the advice of the Chief Medical Officer and trust you will do likewise.